A Goal for Guate II

Installing 364 computers to impact over 6,500 students and 300 teachers. 
A Goal for Guate II is a computer installation initiative of Rotary District 5550 Ripple Effect Program, led by the Rotary Club of Regina Eastview in partnership with Rotary Club of Guatemala Oeste (District 4250) and FUNSEPA for the supply of refurbished computers, installation, teacher training, and monitoring at twenty Guatemalan schools. This project saw the installation of a total of 364 computers opening the world of technology to over 6,500 students and 300 teachers. This technology is critical in preparing this country’s children to reach their full potential in today’s Guatemalan society. The $30,200 (US) received from Rotary Foundation Canada and the Government of Canada for these $99,000 (US) projects was much appreciated.