Passionate about our EnvironmentPassionate about our EnvironmentI write this from a sun-filled office in Ancaster, Ontario, the window is cracked open, and the birds are busy filling the air with many melodies. As part of the Niagara Escarpment, we have over 110 waterfalls in the area, and a vast network of hiking trails and ecosystems which led to the designation in 1990 by UNESCO as a World Biosphere Reserve, making it one of twelve in Canada.
Interview with Eva VidaMeet TRF Canada President Eva VidaI have been a Rotarian since 1992. I am a member of the Rotary Club of Winnipeg and have held positions within my Rotary district 5550 and our Rotary Zone, including District Foundation Chair, District Governor, and Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator. I previously served as the VP of TRF Canada and as a board member for several years. |
TRF Canada Annual ReceiptTRF Canada Annual ReceiptThe Rotary Foundation Canada has carefully considered our donors' numerous requests and is changing to an annual receipting process for contributions starting in calendar year 2024. Donors will receive an acknowledgment for every contribution at the time the gift is made. Additionally, in early 2025, one itemized receipt will be provided that includes all contributions made to TRFC in the 2024 calendar year. An annual receipt for gifts made in 2023 will not be provided, as receipts for those contributions will already have been processed. |
Creating hope and alleviating povertyCreating hope and alleviating povertyCreating hope and alleviating poverty through a Rotary Foundation Global Grant Project focussed on education & literacy. Adopt A School Alotenango (Guatemala)
Vocational Training teams-forging friendships, changing livesVocational Training teams-forging friendships, changing livesThree countries, three Rotary clubs and forty-two years of membership is how Douglas would sum up his Rotary journey. |
An Opportunity To CareAn Opportunity To CareThe holiday season is particularly significant in the area of Disease Prevention and Treatment. We reach out to family and friends wherever they may be to reconnect the caring of health and happiness we have for all. |
Set a Goal and Achieve the GoalSet a Goal and Achieve the GoalThis story began in 2010 with the Rotary Club of Dundas’ Swim to End Polio. Thie Convery, a Dundas resident, splashed in at Niagara-on-the-Lake in August of that year as part of her efforts to support Rotary International’s efforts to end polio in the world.
Rotary delivers a Fire Rescue Truck to UkraineRotary delivers a Fire Rescue Truck to UkraineRotarians in Southern Scotland have partnered with their counterparts in the US and Canada (District 5050) to deliver a Fire Rescue Truck to the city of Chernihiv in war torn northern Ukraine.
$800,000 Gift for Polio Eradication$800,000 Gift for Polio EradicationOn March 18, 2022, The Rotary Foundation Canada received a very generous gift of CAN $800,000.00 (US $630,000.00) from the Estate of Marie McGee.
Supporting Water & Sanitation/HygieneSupporting Water & Sanitation/HygieneWater is essential to life. Each of Rotary's seven Areas of Focus relate to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. |
Why Consider An Estate Gift To The Rotary Foundation?Why Consider An Estate Gift To The Rotary FoundationLearn why Randy and his spouse Barb have chosen to leave a gift in their estate plans to The Rotary Foundation; electing as one of their choices to support Rotary's work in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. |
The Rotary Foundation Approves Artaud Ferrier Global Grant Over $490,000The Rotary Foundation Approves Artaud Ferrier Global Grant Over $490,000.00The Trustees of The Rotary Foundation approved a Global Grant of US $490,355.00 to begin a piped water system in the Commune of Ferrier, Haiti. This is the fourth Global Grant so far in the bold, national HANWASH program. |
Dreaming of Local and Global Positive PeaceDreaming of Local and Global Positive Peaceby Christine Rendell and Brian Carnahan - Rotary Club of Calgary East, District 5360 When Brian and I first discussed our Rotary Legacy, the Promoting Peace Area of Focus came to mind immediately. We agreed that without conflict prevention or resolution, many of the projects and programs that Rotary has around the world would be at risk or withdrawn completely. |
The gift of lifeA gift of lifeDecember is the month set aside to reflect on Rotary’s area of focus Disease Prevention and Treatment.
Interview with Carolyn Ferguson |
The Rotary Foundation Canada receives major estate giftThe Rotary Foundation Canada receives major estate gift“We all have a responsibility to help.” These are the words of Marion when she was asked about the recent legacy gift to the Rotary Foundation Canada from her late husband Keith. |
Demonstrate BenevolenceDemonstrate BenevolenceWhat makes giving an act so blissful that it borders on the mystical, is the intention with which you give. |
What opportunities can you create for aspiring entrepreneurs?What opportunities can you create for aspiring entrepreneurs?PDG Jim Louttit has a suggestion. |
My Polio Eradication JourneyMy Polio Eradication JourneyA number of years ago, a then-District Governor visited our Rotary Club and reminded us that back in 1988 Rotarians made a promise to the children of the world to eradicate polio.
Growing Local EconomiesGrowing Local EconomiesRI President Shekar recently stated “If you feel the need to reignite the spark of service in yourself or your club, October – Community Economic Development (CED) Month – is a great time to do so”. |
Why my passion is for basic education and literacyWhy my passion is for basic education and literacyTim and Sally Schilds explain their passion for Rotary's Basic Education and Literacy area of focus. |
Eradicating Polio in AfghanistanEradicating Polio in AfghanistanRotary has just 35 members in Afghanistan. They inspire me daily with their courage and perseverance. The polio program has always been politically neutral in every country. Rotary and our partners work with the leaders who are in charge. We now work with new leaders in Afghanistan.
Water Upgrades in Rural Costa RicaWater Upgrades in Rural Costa RicaFive thousand people in ten communities in South Central Costa Rica enjoyed upgraded water facilities, some for the first time. |
Stories for TRF Canada Website and Social MediaStories for TRF Canada Website & Social MediaThe Rotary Foundation Canada is looking for stories from Canadian Rotary clubs and districts about your local and international Rotary Foundation projects and initiatives.
TRFC Fifth & Final ReportTRFC Fifth & Final ReportThis final Fifth and final report was prepared for the Government of Canada as a summary of 5.5 years delivering the program. It supports the concept of continuing the partnership with TRFC as a viable partner in doing global grants in the world |
One Million Dollar Donation to the PolioPlus Campaign$1,000,000 Donation to PolioPlusThe board of directors of the Rotary Foundation Canada announced today a donation of US $1,000,000 to the PolioPlus campaign. |
A Goal for Guate IIA Goal for Guate IIInstalling 364 computers to impact over 6,500 students and 300 teachers. |
COVID-19 Isolation Ward in Bhaktapur, NepalCOVID-19 Isolation Ward in Bhaktapur, NepalIn order to keep the hospital safe, an isolation ward needed with the knowledge it could be repurposed after COVID-19 to the benefit of the general population of the hospital |
Restoring Learning Technologies in DominicaRestoring Learning Technologies in Dominica4,000 Chromebooks restore learning technologies in over 60 schools. |
Microcredit - The Gift That Keeps On GivingMicrocredit - The Gift That Keeps On GivingThis project supports 100+ new and existing businesses with a projection of 350 businesses in 3 years. Eight centralized volunteer credit committees serve 19 communities. |
Rotary Positive Peace Activator ProgramRotary Positive Peace Activator ProgramIn order to help make Positive Peace more tangible for Rotaractors and Rotarians, Rotary created the Positive Peace Activator Program. Between 2020 and 2024, 180 new Positive Peace Activators will be trained in six regions around the world. There are four Rotary Positive Peace Activators in Canada who have completed the 20 hour training program and are available to work with clubs and districts.
Vocational Training Team - Canada to Kenya in 2019This project changed the Canadian and Kenyan teachers' approaches to education for the remainder of their careers and will enrich a generation of children in Canada and Kenya. |